Rob Wehr


Most parishioners know Rob Wehr as the friendly Greeter with the handlebar mustache and the smiling eyes opening the front door as people enter for service.  During the interview, a couple of members approached Rob to introduce their grandson to him, noting that Rob is always their first ‘welcome’ of the day.  

What service do you attend most and why?

Rob attends both Sundays services three weeks a month, and once a month on a Saturday.  Why so often each week…keep reading. 

Who do you attend with? 

Rob attends Hope Church with his talented wife, Beth, Hope’s organist.  Not only does he accompany her to each service while she’s working, he enjoys attending practice sessions with Beth for the various musical events.   

How long have you been attending HOPE?

Since 2020 when Beth was hired. 

What brought you to HOPE? 

As noted, it was Beth’s job that first brought them to Hope.  Rob is not an employee of Hope; just a friendly, helpful person who enjoys the company of people.  

What keeps you at HOPE?  

Rob explained that he and Beth are not members of Hope, since as a member Beth could vote on the budget that includes the music program.  When asked what keeps them at Hope, assuming it was ‘her job’, their quick and joint answer from both was “It’s our church”.  They attend service even on weekends that Beth is not on the work schedule.   

What are some of your passions or hobbies? 

Rob continues to be employed for Magee Plastics in Warrendale making airplane parts (he said to think of those window shades we all touch on a plane).  When not working or at Hope, Rob is a busy guy, enjoying several unique hobbies and passions.  First, he collects pocket watches and hand saws with wooden handles.  He is also a Greeter for Boylan Funeral Home.  A hobby he shares with Beth is Civil War reenactment.  In full costume, he & Beth help in the educational part for people to learn about that war.  One of his most personal passions is in helping new amputees to adjust to the loss of a limb.  Rob experienced an accident at the age of 19 which resulted in an eventual below-the-knee amputation.  He is often contacted by medical professionals who have patients in the same situation and could benefit from some peer to peer discussions.   

Have you been able to incorporate them at your life at HOPE? 

Yes, Rob finds that his voluntary role as a Greeter, who holds a door and says “hello”, is part of his outgoing personality.   

In what ways?  What volunteer activities do you do at Hope? 

In addition to greeting people at the door, and being that first contact for church attendees, Rob also helps by doing other tasks such as shoveling snow, assisting wheelchair-bound members to get into the church or to get them a cup of coffee.  During this interview, he got up while speaking to assist a wheelchair bound member to reach a donut.   

How does your volunteerism at Hope or elsewhere make you feel?  How does it support your life of faith? 

He feels good to help; to put action into his faith.   His wife commented that Rob has a ‘serving heart’, and that people have commented to her that one of the reasons they come to Hope is the welcoming feeling that Rob gives them.   

What other HOPE events and activities do you enjoy attending?  (Donut Sunday, Band/Concerts, Car Cruise)

Rob and Beth participate in 4 x 4 church discussions groups.  And while Beth is involved in music programs, Rob is ‘hanging out’ with other church members or personnel.   

What inspires you to attend activities or give of your time and talents at HOPE? 

Rob said ‘it’s a natural thing to do’.    

Are there new or existing ministries that you’d like to get involved with, or learn more about?  

Yes.  Rob would like to see the church start Winter Crock Pot Dinners once a month, similar to the Soup during Lent.  He also would like to have small groups of Adult Sunday School get started at Hope.   

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