Evelyn Zutter


What service do you attend most and why?

My family and I attend the 11am service the most often.

Who do you attend with?

I attend church with my family. This includes my parents, my brother Logan (who is currently at college), my brother Henry, and my brother Oliver. 

How long have you been attending HOPE?

My parents were members at Hope before I was alive, so I have been attending Hope since I was born, over 14 years. 

What brought you to HOPE?  

My parents were members and brought me to church. 

What keeps you at HOPE?  

My family, including the church family, keep me at HOPE. The church is a great environment for growing my faith.

What are some of your passions or hobbies?

I am passionate when it comes to my faith and all things creative. I enjoy golfing, shotgun shooting, playing cello, singing, and much more. There are so many enjoyable activities in life, and I am truly blessed to experience so many. 

Have you been able to incorporate them at your life at HOPE?

I have been able to incorporate many of my passions and hobbies while at HOPE. 

What volunteer activities do you do at Hope?

Every Sunday, I am able to help with Sunday School classes and aid in growing the faith of younger generations. During service, I serve as an assistant minister, lector, or even acolyte when needed. In the past, I have helped with Hosanna Industries, participated in the Harvest Street Mission, and played cello/sang for the congregation.  

How does your volunteerism at Hope or elsewhere make you feel? How does it support your life of faith?

My volunteerism makes me feel thankful because I know I am making a difference in others lives. Volunteering allows me to lead by example and grow others faith which in turn, grows mine. 

What other HOPE events and activities do you enjoy attending?

I definitely enjoy Donut Sunday. Who doesn’t love a donut? I enjoy HSYG [High School Youth Group] when I am able to go and love going to the Fall Kickoff each year. I also had fun attending Confirmation and going to Yeck’s Farm. 

What inspires you to attend activities or give of your time and talents at HOPE?

Knowing that my time and talents will help others inspires me to give of them. I attend activities because I know they will grow my faith and community with the church family. 

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