Darrell Miller


Our Gracious Giver for August is a member you may not see in the pew when you turn to pass the peace, but know that he’s present.  He’s ensuring the safety of the those in attendance by watching the many security cameras in the church.  As the leader of the security team, he spends many 9am services in the security office.  So, next time you share the peace, you may want to direct a peace to the camera for Darrell!

What service do you attend most and why?


Who do you attend with?

Terry, my wife

How long have you been attending Hope?

8 years

What brought you to Hope?

The size of the church, the young families, and the welcoming members

What keeps you at Hope?

All of the programs we can be involved in

What are some of your passions or hobbies? How have you been able to incorporate them into your life at Hope?

We have a convertible Ford mustang and enjoy car shows. I am a member of the security team and enjoy that work at Hope. I feel good about making Hope a safe place to worship.

How does your volunteerism at Hope support your life of faith?

Volunteering with the security team brings me to church most Sundays and enriches my faith.

What other Hope events do you enjoy attending?

I also attend the concerts and enjoy music.

What inspires you to attend activities and give of your time and talents at Hope?

I am glad to help give of my time and talents at Hope since I have been blessed to be healthy and have the ability to serve.

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