July 11-14 (Times are TBD) Jr. High through Adults Join us for different mission projects around the Butler/Beaver Co. areas Monday through Wednesday. We will end our week, Thursday, doing something fun! Please be sure that you sign up yourself, and bring a friend! Cost for the week is $110
If you would like to get communication pieces in the weekly spirit or in the email blast, please be sure to fill out a communication form (https://hlc.church/communication-form/) and have it completed by Wednesday at 12 pm. If you have any questions, please call Emily at the church office.
Summer Bible Study - Heaven (All are Welcome) July 14, 21, & 28th from 6:30 to 8 pm: Outdoors (weather permitting) Please order the study: Heaven, The official Study Guide by Randy Alcorn (photo is above). Prepare to discuss Session 1 on July 14. Please sign up below to attend!
Mondays at Hope