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Confirmation Retreat
04/17/2021 @ 5:00 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday, April 17
Meet at Hope at 9am; Return to Hope by 5pm
$30 per student (includes lunch and snacks)
Our Confirmation Retreat will be a little different this year….we’re going to Lutherlyn, but just for the day! Wear your tennis shoes….we’re going for a hike! We will have lunch and snacks while we are at camp. We will be back home in time for you to have dinner with your family. Please make sure that you bring your mask, water bottle, and your Bible.
PARENTS…we will need help with rides to and from camp, so please sign up under the “Parent: drivers” portion of the sign up, or email Ms. Jill or Pastor Amy if you can help us with that. Thank you!