Jason & Alicia Demchak


What service do you attend most and why?
We usually attend the 11 AM service because we enjoy the traditional service and liturgy. 

Who do you attend with?
We attend together!

How long have you been attending HOPE?
11 years

What brought you to HOPE?
When we both graduated from PT school, we settled into the Cranberry area and were looking for a Lutheran church. 

What keeps you at HOPE?
The minute we stepped foot in the door, we were greeted by Pastor Ron and it just felt like “home.”  The rest is history!  Hope feels like a big family to us.  After attending several other Lutheran churches, we really appreciate Hope’s upbeat atmosphere and message and all of the outreach activities it offers. 

What are some of your passions or hobbies?
We are both Physical Therapists.  When we aren’t working, we subscribe to the Broadway in Pittsburgh series and can usually be found at some concerts throughout the year!  We also love to travel and hike together!

Have you been able to incorporate them at your life at HOPE? In what ways?
When we are hiking, we feel God’s presence the most in those remote, isolated areas at the top of the mountain overlooking his beautiful country.

What volunteer activities do you do at Hope?
We usher at the 11 AM service.  We oversee the Pleasant Valley Shelter Dinner, planning, transporting, and serving meals at the shelter every other month.  We are involved with Hope’s Relay for Life team and the annual Tournament of Hope.

How does your volunteerism at Hope or elsewhere make you feel?  How does it support your life of faith?
Volunteering gives us a greater appreciation of all of the blessings we have been given.  We are grateful for the amazing life we are lucky to live and want to give back as much as we can to others.

What other HOPE events and activities do you enjoy attending? 
We enjoy the Holden prayer services and have attended bible studies in the past.  We try to support the Youth events and fundraisers as much as we can.

What inspires you to attend activities or give of your time and talents at HOPE?
As stated above, we want to give back to anyone that we can. 

Are there new or existing ministries that you’d like to get involved with, or learn more about?  
We would like to attend Trivia night!

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